Pray With Us

‘The 12’ Prayer
Lord Jesus, to spread the kingdom of Your Father, You called together twelve. First You drew aside and prayed for them intently, for ‘none can come to You unless the Father draw them’. Let your gaze now rest, we pray, upon us You summon anew ‘to be with You’ and then ‘sent out’.
Enable us, like Your first apostles, to step forward in faith and turn our hearts and souls entirely to You for the conversion of our brothers and sisters.
May we follow You in gentleness, humility and purity of heart.
Receive this gift we make of ourselves so that through our offering You may inspire many in these times of spiritual darkness and revive their faith.
May we never doubt that complete conversion and change and ever possible in Your hands. Such is the transformation of souls for which Your heart yearns, for which Your soul thirts.
Yet, only Your Spirit, Lord, can prepare us for such a work, for such a daunting struggle.
Only Your Truth can be its foundation.
Only Your Spirit can fortify our conviction.
Only Your zeal can inflame us.
Only Your courage can banish our fears.
Only Your Life can be our sustenance and strength.
Only Your Love can drive us forward.
Gaze upon us, Lord, we beg You. Let the glow of Your countenance illuminate our souls, imparing depths of joy, peace and fulfilment the world can never give – gifts which follow those You have chosen to be with You.
Mary, Queen of apostles, Jesus entrusted the twelve to you as they awaited the coming of His Holy Spirit. You led and guided their prayer, you interceded for their ministry. You nurtured the Divine Life of Jesus in their souls. You counselled and consoled them as they laboured for His Kingdom. Take the twelve, under the protection of your mantle.